Yellow Submarine coming back to theaters, a Courtney Barnett interview, and more

Here’s the latest in music news for Wednesday:

  • With a single tweet, “Dreams” by Fleetwood Mac, which first appeared on Rumours in 1977, is back on the charts.

  • In other back from the dead news, the Beatles’ film Yellow Submarine will be returning to theaters for it’s 50th anniversary. The official site currently only houses the film’s trailer, but locations and dates are expected to be announced soon.


  • The skill of writing doesn’t always cross genres very well, but apparently Weird Al Yankovic (pictured above) is both a talented music parody writer and a crossword puzzle writer, as he co-wrote today’s New York Times puzzle with Eric Berlin.


  • One of the upcoming album’s I’m most interested in is Courtney Barnett’s Tell Me How You Really Feel, the follow-up to her 2015 debut, Sometimes I Sit and Think and Sometimes I Just Sit. Here’s an interview Barnett did with Rolling Stone. before the album’s May release.




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