Song of the Day: "Good Kisser" by Lake Street Dive

Welcome to the song of the day, where we feature a single track, whether its brand new or older than us, overlooked or overplayed, our favorite or no one’s favorite; as long as its interesting, it can be the song of the day.

This is one of my absolute favorite songs released so far this year. It’s a little campy and a little jokey and a little fun, but the idea that a woman hurt by a break-up, as the narrator of this song has been, still wants to remind the other party not to just speak sour on the subject and remember to include the good things, too, is a strong and interesting one and I love it.

Also, I saw the band last night on what they called their album release show in New Haven and they are amazing live.

“Good Kisser” was the first single from the band’s fourth album, Free Yourself Up, released last week.


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