This week’s featured album: “Skulls Example” by Dear Nora, plus other new releases

Katy Davidson first formed Dear Nora at the end of the ’90s in Portland. The band released three albums through 2006, starting with We’ll Have a Time in 2001, followed by Mountain Rock and There Is No Home, with EPs and splits scattered in between. Then, in 2008, Davidson announced a hiatus. Though she has released music under the name Key Losers in between, it’s been 12 years since we’ve heard new Dear Nora music; until today with the release of Skulls Example, an album with songs written between 2009 and 2017.

The first single from the album was “Sunset From Humanity.” The album was mostly recorded on analog technology rather than digitally. In an interview with The Fader, Davidson explained the album’s title:

“Someone one year brought a book of magic [to a holiday party], someone had the idea to name ourselves for the next year, and everyone did it: we picked two words at random from the book with our eyes closed. So that was my name.”

Dear Nora is currently touring, with dates through June, including a June 10 all-ages show at Space 1026.


Other albums in stores today we’re listening to:


Header image courtesy of Dear Nora.


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