Black Panther, another book about music in the '60s, and more

Hello! Here’s your daily roundup of interesting things going on in music.


  • This rideshare driver shared how he chooses what music to play based on the person who gets in the car.

  • Bandcamp Daily ran a great interview with Haley Heynderickx, whose debut album, I Need To Start A Garden, will be released on Friday via Mama Bird Recordings. Check out the article and listen to the first single, “Oom Sha La La” here:


  • This upcoming book about 1968 in music has been getting great advance reviews. Ryan H. Walsh has written for the Boston Globe and Vice, plays in a band called Hallelujah the Hills, and his new book, Astral Weeks: A Secret History of 1968 will be in stores on March 6. The official description namechecks Springsteen, Scorcese, MLK Jr, Howard Zinn, and of course, Van Morrison. It looks awesome.

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