The Lonely Island's Oscar song, new Hold Steady, and more

Here’s some of the latest music news for March 6:

  • If you watched the Oscars on Sunday, you did not see a performance by the Lonely Island, although they did write a song for the ceremony. Check out a demo for that song, which would have featured a duet from Thor and Wonder Woman, a verse by Pennywise, an interlude by Vin Diesel, and more:



  • Robert Plant announced some new tour dates yesterday, as did Nicole Atkins. Plant will be hitting the US in June, but the closest he’ll come to Philadelphia is Maryland, while Atkins will be at The Saint in Asbury on Friday and will be at Boot and Saddle in Philly in April.


  • Yesterday, The Hold Steady released two new songs, “Eureka” and “Esther” on bandcamp:

Hey Everyone! We’ve always loved playing in the UK, and we are extremely excited for the shows coming up in London on…

Posted by The Hold Steady on Monday, March 5, 2018



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