Three legends with upcoming albums, new artists of 2018, and more

  • We’ve got some nebulous hints at new music from some classic rock titans, including this post on Paul McCartney’s Instagram that had led to speculation that his 17th studio album will be titled Egypt Station:

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  • And this post to Elvis Costello’s Twitter announcing the tour and an imminent new album:

  • And no link, but at Paul Simon’s Philadelphia stop on his farewell tour he mentioned an album out in September. Commemorative concert programs (which I did not purchase) also apparently mention the album as being titled In The Blue Light.


  • Brian Fallon has announced a new set of solo dates with The Hold Steady lead singer Craig Finn called Songs From the Hymnal. His Philadelphia stop is at the Keswick Theatre in Glenside on October 6.



Header image courtesy of KEXP.


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