Song of the Day: “For No One” by The Beatles

It’s Paul McCartney’s 76th birthday today, so here’s one of my favorite Paul songs. “For No One” was on side two of The Beatles’ seventh(ish) album, Revolver. Though it is officially credited to Lennon-McCartney, it’s generally accepted as a McCartney composition, and the only people who play on the album recording are McCartney, Ringo Starr, and Alan Civil. Civil was a horn player who played in the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra and the BBC Symphony Orchestra who played that fantastic French horn part on the song. McCartney recorded the bass, piano, and harpsichord parts while Ringo played the various percussion.

McCartney would release an alternate version of the song on his fifth solo album, Give My Regards to Broad Street, in 1984.


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